zaterdag 20 november 2010

Merlo and Auh's study illustrated

This week I’ve found a study, written by Merlo and Auh, that investigates the relationships between market orientation, the marketing department’s influence, entrepreneurial orientation and the firm's performance. Before starting our own assay, it may be smart to have some background information and to put an eye on the results of our predecessors.

Merlo and Auh start out with 3 hypotheses:
(1) a strong market orientation will realize a strong business performance;
(2) there is a positive relation between market orientation and the marketing department’s influence;
(3) there is also a negative effect whereby a high entrepreneurial orientation decreases the positive interaction between market orientation and the marketing department’s influence (2).

Empirical findings, collected by survey questionnaires, gave the following results:
The effect of market orientation on the business performance is non-significant. Hypothesis 2 however, can be confirmed: a market orientation needs to be strengthened with a strong marketing department influence on the firm. The same conclusion is made for hypothesis 3, where the findings seem to confirm the prediction as well.

Of course this study focuses on only 3 main hypotheses. There is still a lot of space for new research that subsequently could lead to new results.  

Charlotte De Volder

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